Delivery fees are calculated with Mileage and Credits spent. The more credits you spent, the cheaper is your delivery fees. You can use the delivery fees calculator here to calculate your delivery fees by keying in your postal code and the number of credits spent. The delivery fees range as low as $1 to $8.50 per delivery.
Our delivery charges align with current market conditions, and it's noteworthy that LTA has reverted to pre-COVID-19 ERP gantry charges.
Depending on the number of credits purchased, subscribers will receive a $3.50 delivery discount coupon. When it runs out, regular delivery fees will apply
AMGD Meal Plan is $8/delivery. Each delivery will include delivery of 2 to 3 days' worth of meals. Delivery timings are as follows: Delivery is every timing Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 3.30pm to 7.30pm.
5-days Meal Plan
7 and 14-days Meal Plan
AMGD Lite Delivery Fees is $12/delivery. This is the only plan that does not require subscription.