
The Women's Optimum Diet Checklist

Why are these nutrients so important, especially for a woman?

Firstly, It is very important for women to have adequate iron as it is an essential mineral and sometimes, due to menstruation, we might be at risk of iron deficiency. When you do not eat enough iron, your body will show symptoms of fatigue, irritability and you will also be faced with a weakened immune system and more frequent headaches.


Secondly, lots of Vitamin D will come in handy to help you absorb calcium and maximize your bone health. This is especially so in older women as they are more prone to getting osteoporosis. Studies have also shown how Vitamin D has positive effects on cancer.


Additionally, magnesium also plays a few crucial roles in a woman’s body. Magnesium has been shown to be a potent mineral in regulating blood pressure by helping to dilate blood vessels, reduce the risk of heart attack or blood clots. During pregnancy, consuming more magnesium can also relieve pregnancy-induced leg cramps and relieve you and your baby from pregnancy complications. 


Lastly, folic acid is a B vitamin that is an important part of the diet pre-pregnancy, to prevent major birth defects during foetus development. It has also been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure.


These 4 nutrients highlighted above serve as an easy checklist to get you started and act as prevention from iron-deficiency anaemia, osteoporosis and reduces the risk of pregnancy complications.


We have compiled an infographic below to list the amounts of each nutrient you should be getting every day as well as common food sources to diversify your diet.



Do you know what is the most common disease affecting women?

Most women believe that breast cancer is  biggest health threat, however that is not the case. A Go Red for Woman Survey in 2020 found that only 9% are aware that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death for women in Singapore. Cardiovascular disease claimed the lives of 2,689 women in 2019, while breast cancer caused 445 deaths. 

Eating leafy green vegetables, whole grains, berries, avocados, and food that contains good monosaturated fats like salmon and walnuts are some of the things that you can add to your diet to reduce the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases. Dark chocolate can also boost your heart health with the rich amount of antioxidants in them.

Health is wealth. Without taking good care of your body and feeding it the right amount of nutrient to maintain optimum health, we will always be at risk of chronic illnesses. Hence, let’s not procrastinate and start to modify some of our lifestyle and diet habits now. Every small change counts!

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